Repetition Is the Mother of Memory: The Permanent Learning of Petition
In this episode, I describe Repetitio Mater Memoriae, noting that repetition can be a delightful activity of repeatedly seeking and experiencing the same good thing until permanently possessed.
Apr 09, 2024
The Christopher Perrin Show
Dr. Christopher Perrin has been a leader in the renewal of classical education in the United States for 25 years. In this podcast, he traces the renewal of the American paideia exploring the recent history of the American renaissance in light of the 2500 years that have preceded it.
Dr. Christopher Perrin has been a leader in the renewal of classical education in the United States for 25 years. In this podcast, he traces the renewal of the American paideia exploring the recent history of the American renaissance in light of the 2500 years that have preceded it.Listen on
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